Tuesday, March 9, 2010

thanks my friends=]

6/3/10 telah berlaku 1 peristiwa dlm hidupku. pintu bilek tlh berkunci laa. how yis hapen? i dun no la how 2 anser. but, from a very bad conversation from the person incarge that day, i felt suckk. he dun respect me at all eventhugh as a human. nevermeind, he wil get a lesson one day. huh, but from that, i wish very thankful to ALLAH because ALLAH gave me friends such as :
SHIKIN, KAYNA, YANA, n MIERA because they care of me that time. yea, they care every time, but that moment more n more .....? thanks ek shikin n kayna bagi tumpg tido ates katil, pkai bju kayna, kain sarung kayna, telekung shinkin, n miera bg bju kurung coz ade modul next day.. yana of course bg pjem tudung lawa + baru, n terbus sekali.. huhu. eventhugh sasa blik pagi tu pkul 7.30 am, tp kayna n shikin kata x pyh bukak, x kn nk gosok bj len, kn x sempat lak.. walupn ak agk malu +segan+rase mendadak dlm ati coz x tahu mcm mane nk blas budi kenkawan nie.. lstly, rase lega coz dah plng bj dorg tadi dgn selamat. nie kena wat psyco plak.. wokeh beby,,c u next time..daaaa

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